Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The last one. Promise

So, this is the last set of pictures of my craft room. I thought I had better include my crafting budding in this one as well. She is usually in here with me when I am creating. Now off to start on the third part of my New Years Resolutions.


  1. I wish my room was done. It is a total mess as I am going through everything, sorting, purging,labeling everything. big task. i have a lot of stuff;)
    Thanks for the inspiration

  2. Good luck with you craft room. I hope you can post some pictures so we can all have a look at how your going.

  3. Thanks so much for sharing Paula looks like your start to the New Year has happened, mmm I wonder what it would be like at the end of the year... hugs xx

    1. Thanks Denise. Hopefully, this is the final change of my room. I spend far too much time organising and not creating. As we all do, I'm sure.
