Monday, April 2, 2012

A Note of Thanks

Firstly I would like to thank Angela, Tracey and Mikki for awarding my blog with this awesome award. Sorry for the delay, but I just found it this morning. I am truly honoured that you think that my blog is worthy.

Please check out these sites below and send my love.

This award started in Germany and it means favorite or beloved, and it's for anything, not just scrapbooking/crafting.  The purpose of this award is to bring attention to blogs with fewer than 200 followers, and they then pay it forward by passing the award on to 5 other small blogs!!!!

Here are the Rules of the Liebster Award:
1.  Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them. 
2.  Reveal your five picks for the award and let them know.
3.  Post the award on your blog.
4.  Bask in the love from the supportive people out there in Blog Land!
5.  Finally and the best rule of all ........... have fun and spread the love! 

Here are the five blogs that I have chosen. Click on over to their sites, look around and don't forget to become a Follower.  There are so many great blogs out there!

So here are the 5 blogs that I have picked for this award.

1.  Inky all Over
2.  Julies Stamp Journal
3.  Stamp my Day
4.  Amanda Sevall Designs
5.  jodenes Blog

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Paula!

    Thank you so much for this award! It is much appreciated, especially coming from someone as talented as you!

    It is now proudly displayed on my Blog. :)

